Saturday, 8 May 2010

Education World Citizens for the 21st Century

How can our educational system evolve to meet the challenges of the 21st century? How will we educate people to be compassionate, competent, ethical, and engaged citizens in an increasingly complex and interconnected world?

The urgent challenges of a globalized and interdependent world demand a new vision of world citizenship that is not confined to national boundaries, but encompasses moral and ethical responsibilities to all humanity.

The Dalai Lama participated in a Mind and Life Conference on the theme of Educating World Citizens in the 21st Century. The conference featured educators, scientists and contemplatives discussing issues on education for the new generations.

Here is a video from the conference. This video has been capture from the TV Programme 'Redes'. I wanted to highlight the intervention of His Holiness Dalai Lama which has made me to consider and think more in deep about the necessity of changing the recent approach of education, in order to get a much more ethical approach.

In addition, this second video exemplify the concern of these educators who are investiganting how to improve the education. I agree the idea that educators should know their students´concerns. In this way, the students will receive a more quality individual attention, because all of us are different and equal at the same time.


  1. La vrdad es que la sociedad actual, se enfrenta a nuevos paradigmas. Ya no basta con
    actualizar los conocimientos previos, a la hora de tenérselas que ver con el mundo.

  2. Uno se pregunta si el área de la educación, estará dispuesta a reaccionar de acuerdo, a lo que demandan las nuevas tecnologís de la información.
